1100 Mini conveyors
1100 conveyoren fås med end drive eller mid drive.
Denne serie af miniature conveyors har en af de laveste profiler på markedet. Conveyoren er designet til håndtering af små eller lette dele og kan nemt passe ind i maskiner og udstyr.
Med Clean Room Class 100 certificering og FDA godkendt bælte er den ideel til farmaceutiske, medicinske applikationer.
Tekniske specifikationer
– Flat Belt End Drive eller Mid Drive – End Drive – 1″ (25 mm) diameter Drive Pulley – Mid Drive – 1,25″ (32 mm) diameter Drive Pulley – 0,625″ (16 mm) diameter Idler Remskiver – 0,31″ (8 mm) Diameter nose bar option til en el. begge ender – FDA-godkendte bælteindstillinger: Lav, medium og høj friktion – M5 fald i T-Nuts til rådighed |
Bredder: 1,75″ (44 mm), 3,75″ (95 mm), 6″ (152 mm), 8″ (203 mm), 10″ (254 mm) Længder: Belastning: Op til 6,8 kg |
- Lav profilhøjde – Kompakt miniaturedesign frigør værdifuld plads til maskine eller arbejder
- Lille rullediameter – Optimal størrelse til håndtering af små dele og overførsel af små dele
- Clean Room Certified – Klasse 100 certificeret til brug i medicinske og farmaceutiske renrumsapplikationer
- T-Slot – Drop in T-bar for nem og fleksibel montering af automatiseringskomponenter eller tilbehør
![]() Profil 01: Lav sideprofil |
![]() Profil 21: 1″ UHMW høj sideprofil |
![]() Profil 22: 2″ UHMW høj sideprofil |
![]() Forskellige sideprofiler |
Bredde/Width | Længde/Lenght | Varenummer/partnumber | Beskrivelse/describtion |
44 | 271 | 1M02E-0089120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 1.75″ (44mm) wide x 0′-10.68″ (271 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 2.07 lbs. (0.9 kg). |
44 | 500 | 1M02E-0164120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 1.75″ (44mm) wide x 1′-7.68″ (500 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 2.56 lbs. (1.2 kg). |
44 | 1000 | 1M02E-0328120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 1.75″ (44mm) wide x 3′-3.36″ (1000 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 3.61 lbs. (1.6 kg). |
44 | 1500 | 1M02E-0492120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 1.75″ (44mm) wide x 4′-11.04″ (1500 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 4.67 lbs. (2.1 kg). |
44 | 1829 | 1M02E-0600120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 1.75″ (44mm) wide x 6′-0″ (1829 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 5.49 lbs. (2.5 kg). |
95 | 271 | 1M04E-0089120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 3.75″ (95mm) wide x 0′-10.68″ (271 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 3.03 lbs. (1.4 kg). |
95 | 500 | 1M04E-0164120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 3.75″ (95mm) wide x 1′-7.68″ (500 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 3.94 lbs. (1.8 kg). |
95 | 1000 | 1M04E-0328120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 3.75″ (95mm) wide x 3′-3.36″ (1000 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 5.94 lbs. (2.7 kg). |
95 | 1500 | 1M04E-0492120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 3.75″ (95mm) wide x 4′-11.04″ (1500 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 7.93 lbs. (3.6 kg). |
95 | 1829 | 1M04E-0600120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 3.75″ (95mm) wide x 6′-0″ (1829 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 9.37 lbs. (4.3 kg). |
152 | 271 | 1M06E-0089120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 6″ (152mm) wide x 0′-10.68″ (271 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 4.15 lbs. (1.9 kg). |
152 | 500 | 1M06E-0164120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 6″ (152mm) wide x 1′-7.68″ (500 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 5.57 lbs. (2.5 kg). |
152 | 1000 | 1M06E-0328120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 6″ (152mm) wide x 3′-3.36″ (1000 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 8.7 lbs. (3.9 kg). |
152 | 1500 | 1M06E-0492120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 6″ (152mm) wide x 4′-11.04″ (1500 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 11.81 lbs. (5.4 kg). |
152 | 1829 | 1M06E-0600120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 6″ (152mm) wide x 6′-0″ (1829 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 14 lbs. (6.4 kg). |
203 | 271 | 1M08E-0089120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 8″ (203mm) wide x 0′-10.68″ (271 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 5.13 lbs. (2.3 kg). |
203 | 500 | 1M08E-0164120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 8″ (203mm) wide x 1′-7.68″ (500 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 7.03 lbs. (3.2 kg). |
203 | 1000 | 1M08E-0328120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 8″ (203mm) wide x 3′-3.36″ (1000 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 11.18 lbs. (5.1 kg). |
203 | 1500 | 1M08E-0492120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 8″ (203mm) wide x 4′-11.04″ (1500 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 15.31 lbs. (6.9 kg). |
203 | 1829 | 1M08E-0600120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 8″ (203mm) wide x 6′-0″ (1829 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 18.16 lbs. (8.2 kg). |
254 | 271 | 1M10E-0089120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 10″ (254mm) wide x 0′-10.68″ (271 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 6.08 lbs. (2.8 kg). |
254 | 500 | 1M10E-0164120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 10″ (254mm) wide x 1′-7.68″ (500 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 8.38 lbs. (3.8 kg). |
254 | 1000 | 1M10E-0328120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 10″ (254mm) wide x 3′-3.36″ (1000 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 13.41 lbs. (6.1 kg). |
254 | 1500 | 1M10E-0492120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 10″ (254mm) wide x 4′-11.04″ (1500 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 18.44 lbs. (8.4 kg). |
254 | 1829 | 1M10E-0600120A010119 | 1100 Series end drive conveyor, 10″ (254mm) wide x 6′-0″ (1829 mm) long with drive shaft in position A. Low side profile on A side and low side profile on D side. Type 19 high friction belt with fused finger splice. Configuration includes standard idler tail and standard end drive tail with short mounting brackets. Uncrated weight = 21.88 lbs. (9.9 kg). |
Tilbehør/accessories | Beskrivelse/describtion | Billede/picture |
1MEBA Documentation p. 4 |
1100 Series end drive bottom mount package, drive is in the A position. Uncrated weight = 2.5 lbs. (1.1 kg). Dorner_1100seriesMANUAL_916Flr.pdf (kinstacdn.com) |
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1MESA Documentation p. 4 |
1100 Series end drive side mount package, drive is in the A position. Uncrated weight = 1 lbs. (0.5 kg). Dorner_1100seriesMANUAL_916Flr.pdf (kinstacdn.com) |
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11M010PLBDDEN | 1100 Series light load parallel shaft 30W, 24V brushless DC gearmotor. 10:1 gear reduction providing a belt speed of 2.2-65.4 ft/min (.7-19.9 M/min) Uncrated weight = 1.69 lbs. (0.8 kg). | ![]() |
11M2DBD-B Documentation p. 9 |
1100 series control board only, 24V DC, 1.25 amp, reversing. Uncrated weight = 0.25 lbs. (0.1 kg). Dorner_1100seriesMANUAL_916Flr.pdf (kinstacdn.com) |
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Manualer 1100 Series Engineering Manual |
Sider 20 |
Fil størrelse 7.7MB |
Produktark 1100 Series Brochure Backlit Conveyors |
Sider 4 1 |
Fil størrelse 4.5MB 339KB |
Litteratur Miniature Conveyors White Paper |
Sider 9 |
Fil størrelse 642KB |